You can help yourself.
OWAAT guides abused women to be empowered and place the law in their hands and
- know their human rights;
- become self-represented litigants;
- self-help;
- file for emergency no contact orders grounded on protections of their fundamental human rights of access to court, human dignity and privacy.
Your right to represent yourself means you can file to obtain a no contact order to prevent abuse. Your human right of access to court means you can self-help, fill out forms to file your claim for no contact in court.
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Cyprus must ensure its women are afforded no less human rights against abuse than what is afforded to protect thousands of EU Member-state citizens and Council of Europe member citizens who enjoy protections against abuse in their own countries.
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Thousands of European Union Member-state and Council of Europe member nation women self-help and self-represent in court to obtain no contact protections to end their abuse – on their own.
You can do it yourself too.
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What is One Woman At A Time (OWAAT) - CYPRUS?

OWAAT means Cyprus has “Zero Tolerance” of Abuse Against Women.
OWAAT goals are aimed at empowering all abused women to prevent their violence by protecting their life and privacy. OWAAT objectives guide women how to place the law in their hands, become self-represented litigants, and obtain access to court for no contact civil protections against their abuser.
OWAAT encourages Cyprus courts to support OWAAT goals and objectives by adopting web-based “Self-help Forms” and instructions for self-represented litigants to print off, fill-in-the-blanks, e-sign and e-file in any Cyprus court with proper jurisdiction to grant civil equitable remedies, and as justice so requires.
OWAAT provides court web-links as model, modern court web-based management systems. Many EU Member-state courts and all U.S. courts websites share Self-Help forms and related links to court provided civil protection complaint and instructions to assist self-represented litigants.
OWAAT operated Complaint Clinics at the local level. Village of Kokkinotrimithia and Sisters of St. Joseph’s Convent, Old City, Nicosia, opened OWAAT Complaint Centers in October 2014. Community volunteers pool resources for their local OWAAT Complaint Center. Business leaders and professionals offer valuable time, expertise and specialized skills. Municipalities and nonprofits donate facilities and computer technology. Growing networks of OWAAT volunteers sustain Complaint Centers for abused women in their communities to learn how to assert their fundamental human rights in court, in their own voice.
OWAAT IS A Sustainable Community-Court Collaboration
"Every woman in Cyprus can free herself from abuse because their supportive local communities and courts have "Zero Tolerance" of Abuse."" - Patricia M. Martin, Esq., U.S. Fulbright Scholar – Cyprus, One Woman At A Time (OWAAT)

It takes a village to end abuse, One Woman At A Time.
Your Donation Is Why OWAAT achieves the following program objectives aimed at Zero Tolerance of Abuse Against Women in Cyprus:
- Promote opportunities for women to meet in safe places in their own communities to discuss their issues about abuse;
- Provide women with hands-on how to access court as a self-represented litigant training forms to learn how to self-represent and bring an expedited end to their cycle of abuse;
- Provide women with one-on-one guidance on how to self-help and place the law in their hands;
- Provide guidance to women in safe and familiar places where they live;
- Guide women on how to fill out a complaint and follow instructions to file for civil no contact protections request in their courts;
- Connect women with women to help each other become empowered as friends and neighbors, or other family members in need of legal protections to prevent abuse;

One Woman At A Time (OWAAT) – Cyprus is made possible by a U.S. Fulbright Scholarship Grant, 2014-2015.*
* One Woman At A Time (OWAAT) and the creators of this website acknowledge that theirs is not an official Department of State website or blog, or an official University of Nicosia website or blog, and that the views and information presented are their own and do not represent the Fulbright Program, CIES or the U.S. Department of State, or the University of Nicosia, Cyprus.

UNIVERSITY OF NICOSIA, ONE WOMAN AT A TIME PROJECT HOST INSTITUTION IN CYPRUS OWAAT is hosted by the University of Nicosia School Law Clinic Programme, Cyprus, with encouragement and support of the President of the Supreme Court of Cyprus and in the President of the Family Court, Nicosia, Judge George Serghides. Read More...

CTO & Project Manager for OWAAT Website & Branding Project - By Website & Branding team: Alexandra Hadjidaki, Ana Bujosevic and Daryna Dombik.
OWAAT Community Collaborators Network
Today, Cyprus volunteers offer OWAAT their valuable time, expertise and skills, information technology, offices and other pooled local resources for abused women to meet in a safe place to learn how to self-help, gain access to court, assert their fundamental human rights, and seek to end abuse by an immediate no contact court order.
THE HONOURABLE JUSTICE GEORGE A. SERGHIDES European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France
“I consider OWAAT extremely important, inter alia, for the following reasons:
First, it is an original idea which serves helpless people, victims of abuse who may also be illiterate, impoverished and need access to justice. OWAAT strives to assist them in vindicating their fundamental human rights and liberties.
Second, it goes deep to the root of the problem of our society because it tries in the simplest possible way to give all the necessary information and legal tools to all those who need it, but they have no other means to find it.”
View full testimonial… -
MERY MOLENAAR ATA-Certified Translator / OWAAT English – Dutch Translator
“I support OWAAT’s mission to inform, equip and empower abused women by providing self-help guidance and placing the law in their own hands. Victims of abuse often do not know where to get help. I am proud to offer my services as volunteer translator and hope that the Dutch version of the website helps increase international awareness of OWAAT’s work and lower the threshold for all women to seek help.”
Mery was born and raised in the Netherlands, and currently lives in Colorado. She holds degrees in Education and Translation as well as an MSc in Physics. She is certified by the American Translators Association (ATA) for English into Dutch translation and serves as President of the Colorado Translators Association (2018-2020).
“OWAAT is performing significant work in Cyprus. The combination of positive attitude and expertise of all OWAAT Collaborators are essential elements for success. “Zero Tolerance” of abuse against women in Cyprus will continue to succeed through OWAAT goals and objectives.”
ALEXANDRA HADJIDAKI Front End Developer / CTO & Project Manager for OWAAT Website & Branding / Computer Science Sudent
“I decided to become a OWAAT Community Collaborator Volunteer because I truly believe that this could be the first domino falling down, encouraging a lot more change from within the community. My belief is that technology can connect people in ways that were not before possible.”
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DR. ANNA PLEVRI Lecturer, Department of Law, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, University of Nicosia / Lawyer
“Women suffer violence because they are women. Violence against women is, in every respect, human rights violations. Given the above, the OWAAT provides women the opportunity and ability to not only learn what their rights are and protect them, but to act truly in this direction. The action OWAAT is a contribution to society and to the overall protection of human rights.”
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DINA KAPARDIS MPhil Criminology, University of Cambridge
“ONE WOMAN AT A TIME is the essence of what a humanitarian movement should and can be. Protecting Human Rights and Empowering the individual by providing support and factually correct guidance.”
ANASTASIA GEORGOULI Self-employed Electrical Engineer Consultant at JYA Engineering
“I support OWAAT program because I believe it will help women believe in themselves, the human rights that they own and the possibility of living a normal and calm life and also give them the means to request for this better life through simplified procedures.”
CASSANDRA KOUPARI Kassandra Koupari & Partners / Lawyer and active supporter in representing human rights of both men and women, but especially victims of abuse of any kind
“You need not to resort to false allegations to have human rights. The Movement OWAAT is here to help you and remind you what are your human rights to be able to make an informed choice. I believe that the law should be amended so that processes become more accessible and simpler and used as easily as FACEBOOK, so you can connect and disconnect as easily. We welcome this positive energy to our right direction and evolution.”
“In our time, ever-more people around us every day we need our practical and ongoing support. Each of us has the ability, the opportunity and the obligation would say, to offer valuable assistance and support to our fellows, whose human rights are constantly violated.”
View full testimonial… -
“It is every women’s human right to feel safe within their home. OWAAT brings the law to the women in a way that empowers the woman to take control of her life again to stand up to violence everyone has a right to live a life free of violence by clicking on the OWAAT web site ladies you have taken the first step to a new life.”
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CHRISTINA DEMETRIADES Life Coach & Careers Adviser Career & Life Coach
“The OWAAT project revolutionalizes the access to justice in Cyprus and holds promising potential for the end of women’s silent domestic abuse. By promoting equal and easier access to justice, as well as awareness and application of Human Rights, it also sets a powerful, pioneering example to be followed in other areas where the judicial system can be improved in service of the citizens. As such, and by promoting gender equality socially and culturally in the long term, the OWAAT initiative is a catalyst for positive social transformation. Being part of such a network is truly inspiring and fulfilling!”
BLANCA CASIELLES Private Personal Interior Consultant for Home & Landscape Renovations / Spanish Instructor
“OWAAT is a hands clasped unity in the fight and defense of the human rights for women who suffer domestic violence. Patricia makes us aware of the great social problem that keeps many isolated and terrified women at home and provides an opportunity for men and women to work together for a common cause in her project. I can’t feel but privileged to be an OWAAT Founder – Community Collaboration Network and put my two cents in.”
CARLOS PARTASIDES Working at the Law Firm of Achilles & Emile C. Emilianides LLC
“OWAAT is of extreme importance especially in Cyprus because it aims at empowering not only the abused women but all the people in the Cypriot closed society to have “Zero Tolerance of Abuse Against Women”. As the Cypriot Law System operates bureaucratically and with long delays, in my opinion QWAAT will provide the main easy accessible tool for women to defend their rights immediately by themselves or it will guide them to pursue their rights.”
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KATERINA ANDREOU Child Protection Specialist – Guidance Counselor
“This empowerment of victims that will inevitably assist these women is re-evaluating themselves in terms of productive members of society and not what their attacker led them into believing is paramount if attitudes in Cyprus are to ever change and these women claim back their lives.”
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ROSSELLA SALA LLM in European and Transnational Law / ONE Youth Ambassador / UNICEF Italy Local Coordinator
“OWAAT is based on our common belief that every woman must be given the opportunity to unleash her potential by learning her rights and how to protect them. To me, being part of this project is both a honour and a challenge: while I feel proud of belonging to a group that is making a difference in women empowerment in Cyprus, I am also aware the path before us is long and steep.”
View full testimonial… -
“Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation. It does not distinguish between borders, cultures or wealth. As abuse continues, we can not pretend to make real progress towards equality, development and peace. Unquestionably, the problem of abuse of women in Cyprus increased rapidly, and needs to be dealt with; it is great.”
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ALISA KHANDYUK Professor of Russian and Ukrainian Language and Literature / Translator
“First of all, I am a mother of two children. Whenever I pray to God I ask that they will be protected and that they will have a good life. My girls will eventually grow up and become women and I wouldn’t want to think that there is the slightest chance that they will experience any form of abuse.”
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JULIA-GEORGIA TOPINTZI Professor of German Language and Literature / Translator and Coordinator of OWAAT's translation team / Law student at the University of Nicosia
“I decided to work for OWAAT because the counseling and the assistance offered in this organization can change the lives of many women that, even as we speak, are facing abuse and are in need of protection. The option to seek help and share their ordeal is not always an easy one to make. OWAAT is fighting for all those women who need support in order to stand on their own two feet and demand a better future for themselves and for their children.”
SOPHIA PAPASTAVROU ABD / Department of Social Justice Education (SJE)
“OWAAT empowers women and girls by ensuring they receive the support they need so that in the long term become active participants in “rebuilding” their communities free from abuse, discrimination and harassment so that women’s rights are respected. OWAAT’s approach reflects the different needs of the women they serve, as well as meaningfully affirm the rights of women and girls in order to bring forth sustainable and long term change.”
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STEPHANIE WILLIAMS J.D. / Immediate Past Co-Chair, ABA SIL International Human Rights Committee
“I featured OWAAT Cyprus on Silent All These Years, as one of the 16 Causes to Support in 2016 because OWAAT provides women direct access to the laws and resources they need to become self-represented civil litigants. I promote OWAAT’s world’s first International Human Rights website that provides a comprehensive toolkit specifically designed to empower all abused women.”
Phoebe quotes Martin Luther King for why she volunteered as an OWAAT Collaborator:
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” She said: “I aspire to be in the centre of the fight against inequality and oppression as an International Human Rights lawyer. I particularly have a passion for women’s rights.” -
OLUWATODIMU BANKOLE “TODI” UCLAN Law / human rights activist for the Council of Europe and Amnesty International / OWAAT Yoruba Translator
“I joined OWAAT because it is uniquely advocates for Women’s rights, and it is an honour to work with such a distinguished and dedicated organization. OWAAT is educating both women AND men on what women’s rights are and why there is a need for these rights to be defended, as a great need. Objectification of women is one of the main threats to women’s rights in Cyprus that must be tackled with uttermost severity within our society.”
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ANTONIA MICHAELS UCLAN Law Student / OWAAT Greek Translator
“Sometimes we take our Human Rights for granted” and those who are abused remind us that our rights are something we …always need to fight for. OWAAT is an excellent organization which not only informs women about their human rights, but it also empowers them with the knowledge they need to take their life into their own hands and heal after all the suffering they have endured. What I want to do, is to help OWAAT fulfill this aim to the fullest. Volunteering is something that benefits both the person who is receiving the help and the person who is giving it.”
SARAH ALSABTI OWAAT English – Arabic Translator
“I am so proud to be a member of this team who believe on an important issue like the abuse against the women. They also work hardly to create the solutions by following two different methods. The first method is by following a preventive method that includes spreading the culture of disapproval towards the offender and combating abuse in society. The second method is a healing method that works on spreads awareness of ones right to defend themselves without the need of an attorney. The second method also works on helping and supporting the victims. I hope that my work as a translator on the Arabic version of the website has been of help in spreading the website and the message as a whole”
AYS LIDZHANOVA Attorney / PhD in Law Candidate / OWAAT English – Russian Translator
“I am proud to be a part of OWAAT. There can be no question as to the critical importance of its mission. OWAAT has filled an important gap in the coverage of abused women protection issues in Cyprus, offering help and support to them. Knowing well its founders and leaders, I have every confidence that OWAAT has been making a major and irreplaceable difference in protecting abused women’s rights. It is an honor and always energizing to work with the OWAAT team, all of whom bring so many resources, strength, and vision to make the world free of violence”
SPAVO Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family
“We support OWAAT to empower women reclaiming their rights.”
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ANDREI C. ROMAN Web Development Team
Andrei Claudiu Roman from Bucharest (Romania) said he decided to volunteer for OWAAT ‘to serve with my skills an important cause. Discriminations and abuse against women are unacceptable and I hope that OWAAT will help as many women and families as possible.´
In June 2018 Andrei took the reins as OWAAT ‘Top Techie’ by generously offering OWAAT his over 8 years of experience as a highly specialized information technology expert. His technical skills made it possible for OWAAT-IT 2018 to go live as planned. Andrei is fluent in Romanian, Italian and English. His IT professional education includes help desk skills and programming languages like Python and Ruby. Andrei currently lives and works in Sweden
FEDERICA PASTORE Italian Translation Team
Federica Pastore from Milan, Italy joined OWAAT in January 2018 to help lead the OWAAT Italian Translation Team. Her leadership and Team efforts made it possible for OWAAT-IT to launch in 2018. ‘In a world where human rights violations are still perpetrated, it is fundamental that everyone puts efforts into the cause, carrying out small and big actions to change the status quo.
OWAAT’s goal is to provide support and legal defense tools to women victims of abuse and discrimination and for this reason I accepted with great enthusiasm to join the organization as a volunteer in the Italian translation team.’, said Federica. She holds a Master Degree in Development, Environment and Cooperation – Curriculum Environmental Politics and Economy from the University of Turin, Italy.
CRISTIAN RIVA Italian Translation Team
Cristian Riva from Lecco, Italy volunteered in January 2018 to translate our OWAAT English version website to Italian. His leadership and Team efforts made it possible for OWAAT-IT to launch in 2018. “I believe that being a citizen in a democratic context ethically implies a personal commitment to improve our society in its cultural, political, environmental aspects.
Being a volunteer translator for OWAAT in Italian is an extraordinary opportunity to fulfil my moral obligations and to offer my contribution in order to combat any kind of violence against women, which represents one of the most intolerable barbarities of contemporary societies.” said Cristian.
Cristian holds a Master Degree in Philosophical Sciences at RUB – Ruhr Universitat Bochum (Germany) and was a EVS Volunteer at YEE – Youth and Environment Europe in Prague, Czech Republic.
European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France
“I consider OWAAT extremely important, inter alia, for the following reasons:
First, it is an original idea which serves helpless people, victims of abuse who may also be illiterate, impoverished and need access to justice. OWAAT strives to assist them in vindicating their fundamental human rights and liberties.
Second, it goes deep to the root of the problem of our society because it tries in the simplest possible way to give all the necessary information and legal tools to all those who need it, but they have no other means to find it.”
View full testimonial… -
ATA-Certified Translator / OWAAT English – Dutch Translator
“I support OWAAT’s mission to inform, equip and empower abused women by providing self-help guidance and placing the law in their own hands. Victims of abuse often do not know where to get help. I am proud to offer my services as volunteer translator and hope that the Dutch version of the website helps increase international awareness of OWAAT’s work and lower the threshold for all women to seek help.”
Mery was born and raised in the Netherlands, and currently lives in Colorado. She holds degrees in Education and Translation as well as an MSc in Physics. She is certified by the American Translators Association (ATA) for English into Dutch translation and serves as President of the Colorado Translators Association (2018-2020).
“OWAAT is performing significant work in Cyprus. The combination of positive attitude and expertise of all OWAAT Collaborators are essential elements for success. “Zero Tolerance” of abuse against women in Cyprus will continue to succeed through OWAAT goals and objectives.”
Front End Developer / CTO & Project Manager for OWAAT Website & Branding / Computer Science Sudent
“I decided to become a OWAAT Community Collaborator Volunteer because I truly believe that this could be the first domino falling down, encouraging a lot more change from within the community. My belief is that technology can connect people in ways that were not before possible.”
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Lecturer, Department of Law, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, University of Nicosia / Lawyer
“Women suffer violence because they are women. Violence against women is, in every respect, human rights violations. Given the above, the OWAAT provides women the opportunity and ability to not only learn what their rights are and protect them, but to act truly in this direction. The action OWAAT is a contribution to society and to the overall protection of human rights.”
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MPhil Criminology, University of Cambridge
“ONE WOMAN AT A TIME is the essence of what a humanitarian movement should and can be. Protecting Human Rights and Empowering the individual by providing support and factually correct guidance.”
Self-employed Electrical Engineer Consultant at JYA Engineering
“I support OWAAT program because I believe it will help women believe in themselves, the human rights that they own and the possibility of living a normal and calm life and also give them the means to request for this better life through simplified procedures.”
Kassandra Koupari & Partners / Lawyer and active supporter in representing human rights of both men and women, but especially victims of abuse of any kind
“You need not to resort to false allegations to have human rights. The Movement OWAAT is here to help you and remind you what are your human rights to be able to make an informed choice. I believe that the law should be amended so that processes become more accessible and simpler and used as easily as FACEBOOK, so you can connect and disconnect as easily. We welcome this positive energy to our right direction and evolution.”
Chief executive, ALEXIS THEODOTI & Co. LLC
“In our time, ever-more people around us every day we need our practical and ongoing support. Each of us has the ability, the opportunity and the obligation would say, to offer valuable assistance and support to our fellows, whose human rights are constantly violated.”
View full testimonial… -
“It is every women’s human right to feel safe within their home. OWAAT brings the law to the women in a way that empowers the woman to take control of her life again to stand up to violence everyone has a right to live a life free of violence by clicking on the OWAAT web site ladies you have taken the first step to a new life.”
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Life Coach & Careers Adviser Career & Life Coach
“The OWAAT project revolutionalizes the access to justice in Cyprus and holds promising potential for the end of women’s silent domestic abuse. By promoting equal and easier access to justice, as well as awareness and application of Human Rights, it also sets a powerful, pioneering example to be followed in other areas where the judicial system can be improved in service of the citizens. As such, and by promoting gender equality socially and culturally in the long term, the OWAAT initiative is a catalyst for positive social transformation. Being part of such a network is truly inspiring and fulfilling!”
Private Personal Interior Consultant for Home & Landscape Renovations / Spanish Instructor
“OWAAT is a hands clasped unity in the fight and defense of the human rights for women who suffer domestic violence. Patricia makes us aware of the great social problem that keeps many isolated and terrified women at home and provides an opportunity for men and women to work together for a common cause in her project. I can’t feel but privileged to be an OWAAT Founder – Community Collaboration Network and put my two cents in.”
Working at the Law Firm of Achilles & Emile C. Emilianides LLC
“OWAAT is of extreme importance especially in Cyprus because it aims at empowering not only the abused women but all the people in the Cypriot closed society to have “Zero Tolerance of Abuse Against Women”. As the Cypriot Law System operates bureaucratically and with long delays, in my opinion QWAAT will provide the main easy accessible tool for women to defend their rights immediately by themselves or it will guide them to pursue their rights.”
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Child Protection Specialist – Guidance Counselor
“This empowerment of victims that will inevitably assist these women is re-evaluating themselves in terms of productive members of society and not what their attacker led them into believing is paramount if attitudes in Cyprus are to ever change and these women claim back their lives.”
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LLM in European and Transnational Law / ONE Youth Ambassador / UNICEF Italy Local Coordinator
“OWAAT is based on our common belief that every woman must be given the opportunity to unleash her potential by learning her rights and how to protect them. To me, being part of this project is both a honour and a challenge: while I feel proud of belonging to a group that is making a difference in women empowerment in Cyprus, I am also aware the path before us is long and steep.”
View full testimonial… -
OWAAT Greek/Russian Translator
“Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation. It does not distinguish between borders, cultures or wealth. As abuse continues, we can not pretend to make real progress towards equality, development and peace. Unquestionably, the problem of abuse of women in Cyprus increased rapidly, and needs to be dealt with; it is great.”
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Professor of Russian and Ukrainian Language and Literature / Translator
“First of all, I am a mother of two children. Whenever I pray to God I ask that they will be protected and that they will have a good life. My girls will eventually grow up and become women and I wouldn’t want to think that there is the slightest chance that they will experience any form of abuse.”
View full testimonial… -
Professor of German Language and Literature / Translator and Coordinator of OWAAT's translation team / Law student at the University of Nicosia
“I decided to work for OWAAT because the counseling and the assistance offered in this organization can change the lives of many women that, even as we speak, are facing abuse and are in need of protection. The option to seek help and share their ordeal is not always an easy one to make. OWAAT is fighting for all those women who need support in order to stand on their own two feet and demand a better future for themselves and for their children.”
ABD / Department of Social Justice Education (SJE)
“OWAAT empowers women and girls by ensuring they receive the support they need so that in the long term become active participants in “rebuilding” their communities free from abuse, discrimination and harassment so that women’s rights are respected. OWAAT’s approach reflects the different needs of the women they serve, as well as meaningfully affirm the rights of women and girls in order to bring forth sustainable and long term change.”
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J.D. / Immediate Past Co-Chair, ABA SIL International Human Rights Committee
“I featured OWAAT Cyprus on Silent All These Years, as one of the 16 Causes to Support in 2016 because OWAAT provides women direct access to the laws and resources they need to become self-represented civil litigants. I promote OWAAT’s world’s first International Human Rights website that provides a comprehensive toolkit specifically designed to empower all abused women.”
Law, UCLAN, Cyprus
Phoebe quotes Martin Luther King for why she volunteered as an OWAAT Collaborator:
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” She said: “I aspire to be in the centre of the fight against inequality and oppression as an International Human Rights lawyer. I particularly have a passion for women’s rights.” -
UCLAN Law / human rights activist for the Council of Europe and Amnesty International / OWAAT Yoruba Translator
“I joined OWAAT because it is uniquely advocates for Women’s rights, and it is an honour to work with such a distinguished and dedicated organization. OWAAT is educating both women AND men on what women’s rights are and why there is a need for these rights to be defended, as a great need. Objectification of women is one of the main threats to women’s rights in Cyprus that must be tackled with uttermost severity within our society.”
View full testimonial… -
UCLAN Law Student / OWAAT Greek Translator
“Sometimes we take our Human Rights for granted” and those who are abused remind us that our rights are something we …always need to fight for. OWAAT is an excellent organization which not only informs women about their human rights, but it also empowers them with the knowledge they need to take their life into their own hands and heal after all the suffering they have endured. What I want to do, is to help OWAAT fulfill this aim to the fullest. Volunteering is something that benefits both the person who is receiving the help and the person who is giving it.”
OWAAT English – Arabic Translator
“I am so proud to be a member of this team who believe on an important issue like the abuse against the women. They also work hardly to create the solutions by following two different methods. The first method is by following a preventive method that includes spreading the culture of disapproval towards the offender and combating abuse in society. The second method is a healing method that works on spreads awareness of ones right to defend themselves without the need of an attorney. The second method also works on helping and supporting the victims. I hope that my work as a translator on the Arabic version of the website has been of help in spreading the website and the message as a whole”
Attorney / PhD in Law Candidate / OWAAT English – Russian Translator
“I am proud to be a part of OWAAT. There can be no question as to the critical importance of its mission. OWAAT has filled an important gap in the coverage of abused women protection issues in Cyprus, offering help and support to them. Knowing well its founders and leaders, I have every confidence that OWAAT has been making a major and irreplaceable difference in protecting abused women’s rights. It is an honor and always energizing to work with the OWAAT team, all of whom bring so many resources, strength, and vision to make the world free of violence”
Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family
“We support OWAAT to empower women reclaiming their rights.”
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Web Development Team
Andrei Claudiu Roman from Bucharest (Romania) said he decided to volunteer for OWAAT ‘to serve with my skills an important cause. Discriminations and abuse against women are unacceptable and I hope that OWAAT will help as many women and families as possible.´
In June 2018 Andrei took the reins as OWAAT ‘Top Techie’ by generously offering OWAAT his over 8 years of experience as a highly specialized information technology expert. His technical skills made it possible for OWAAT-IT 2018 to go live as planned. Andrei is fluent in Romanian, Italian and English. His IT professional education includes help desk skills and programming languages like Python and Ruby. Andrei currently lives and works in Sweden
Italian Translation Team
Federica Pastore from Milan, Italy joined OWAAT in January 2018 to help lead the OWAAT Italian Translation Team. Her leadership and Team efforts made it possible for OWAAT-IT to launch in 2018. ‘In a world where human rights violations are still perpetrated, it is fundamental that everyone puts efforts into the cause, carrying out small and big actions to change the status quo.
OWAAT’s goal is to provide support and legal defense tools to women victims of abuse and discrimination and for this reason I accepted with great enthusiasm to join the organization as a volunteer in the Italian translation team.’, said Federica. She holds a Master Degree in Development, Environment and Cooperation – Curriculum Environmental Politics and Economy from the University of Turin, Italy.
Italian Translation Team
Cristian Riva from Lecco, Italy volunteered in January 2018 to translate our OWAAT English version website to Italian. His leadership and Team efforts made it possible for OWAAT-IT to launch in 2018. “I believe that being a citizen in a democratic context ethically implies a personal commitment to improve our society in its cultural, political, environmental aspects.
Being a volunteer translator for OWAAT in Italian is an extraordinary opportunity to fulfil my moral obligations and to offer my contribution in order to combat any kind of violence against women, which represents one of the most intolerable barbarities of contemporary societies.” said Cristian.
Cristian holds a Master Degree in Philosophical Sciences at RUB – Ruhr Universitat Bochum (Germany) and was a EVS Volunteer at YEE – Youth and Environment Europe in Prague, Czech Republic.